
And welcome! 🚀

Buckle your seatbelts!

I'm Sharif Fatih M. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, and learning IT/mathematics subjects.

About me

I'm an undergraduate student @ University of Indonesia class of 2022 - 2026 majoring in Computer Engineering (specialize in CS).

I believe that the tech industry and experimenting with new gadgets offers me to adapt to real world changing.

Currently, I am participating in a digital online Dicoding boot camp and have been granted scholarships for learning software development and related fields.


Other projects are still in development.

The best way out is always through
-Robert Frost


Google Developer Student Club

Nov 2022 - Present

Community of Google Cloud Innovator, Android Studio user, Enroll in Cloud Engineer/IAM learning path.


Feb 2023 - Present

Responsible for an internal type of duty such as archived documentation and coordinating the use and maintenance of assets as well as record attendance and time management of meetings or forums

Asyraaf UI/PNJ

June 2023 - Present

Volunteered for open events, growing skills and connections with the community.

Thanks for visiting!


Email: shareefmasyhur@gmail.com

LinkedIn: My LinkedIn

GitHub: GitHub